Tom J. Snoblen

8131 Vineland Ave #234

Orlando, FL  32821

(734) 353-9659

Objective: Looking for a lead role as hardware or software engineer in developing new technologies.  I am willing to work remotely or in the Southeast United States.

Education, affiliations and licenses:

Skills: Software: C, C++, RTOS, Python, Assembler, MS Office, MS Project, and AVR, Intel. TI and ARM micros

Skills Hardware: Orcad(Cadence), PCB design, SPICE, Analog and digital design, Test Equipment and wood and metal working

Communications: I2C, SPI, USB, One Wire, RS232, CAN, BLE, GPS and TCIP

Featured Past Projects:

Kidney Infusion Machine – A machine to keep a kidney healthy outside the body while waiting transplanting.   The machine consists of a programmable squeeze pump, a blood gas analyzer, and a chamber to contain the kidney and the pumping fluid (blood replacement).  I was responsible for the electronic design, software design and hardware/software integration. Code was written in ‘C’ using RTOS.


Heart /Lung Machine Trainer  – A machine to replace the patient when training on a heart/lung machine. Updated the design to meet ROHS, FCC part 15 class B and replace outdated parts.  Hardware design included a 4 layer pc board with a high power DC to DC converter. Software was written in ‘C’ and C#.


Heart Pump Controller – Designed and integrate driver and controller for a blood pump with a PID feedback loop and web page interface. Code was written in ‘C’ and HTML.


Internal Bleeding Sensor system – Experimental system to detect internal bleeding by using RF sensors to detect change in dielectric constant. I was responsible for experimental setup and sensor design.


Limb Temperature Sensor – Simple system to measure temperatures along the length of a limb. This was a rapid development project for 30 days start-to-finish. The design used the “One Wire” network for data collection. The system used 20 or more “One Wire” sensors. The PCB was built using a flexible circuit board. Coding was done in “C” using RTOS. Output and control was done with a web page. I was responsible for interfacing with customer to determine project requirements.


Lithium Battery Data Analysis -   Wrote scripts to find bad cells in the company’s lithium cell inventory. This was prompted by finding a bad cell in a battery pack during pack construction.


Lithium Battery – Conducted end-of-line testing of lithium battery packs. I collected data from the batteries CAN bus.


Bluetooth BLE Remote Control – Reconfigured the antenna matching network for more output power. I created NEC antenna simulations to help predict antenna performance of the remote.  Remote passed FCC certification.


UPS Hybrid Truck - Software Lead on a team of 3. We integrated a BMW generator set into a Workhorse UPS electric delivery van. The project also supported required CAN communications for government certification. Coding was done in ‘C++’.


Photo-Acoustic System – Detection of cancer cells using an ultraviolet pulsed laser to excite cancer cells and detect the noise created.


Ice Detector – Used infrared light to detect ice build up on vehicles and/or roads. I built an optical bench to look at multiple frequencies from a chopped light source that was reflected off the test surface. Also built electronics to amplify and record the data. Collected data with ice at various temperatures and lighting conditions.


Laser Systems – Designed a low cost 10W to 2000W turnkey laser system for industrial and educational use. Coding was done in ‘C’ with RTOS. Project successfully met government safety standards. Output and control was done with a web page on a low-cost tablet.


XY Laser Positioning Noise Reduction – Redesigned a servo-controlled XY positioning system for noise reduction and improved stability.


Lab Manager – Responsible for lab setup, calibrations, electro-static discharge and maintaining lab paperwork. This was my responsibility at several workplaces.


Optical Sensor Amplifier – An amplifier was needed for an amorphous-semiconductor sensor array which produced only Pico-amps of optical current. I designed an intergraded amplifier which improved system noise and increased output.